Chem4Data is a freeware database software of chemicals, useful for chemistry students & professionals. Visit download page for more details. |
UsmanPad is a freeware, simple but powerful text editor. Visit Projects page for more details. |
PassM is a freeware Password Manager to manage hundreds of online accounts for any user. Visit projects page for more details. |
ScanXP is a freeware image scanning software for TWAIN supported scanners. Visit projects page for more details. |
UsmanView is a freeware Image Viewer for viewing & manipulate images. It also has a slideshow feature and in-built image scanning module. Visit projects page for more details. |
QuranXP is a freeware Windows software, having complete Quran Majeed in text and audio Recitation formats. Visit projects page for more details. |
Usman MP3 Merger is a freeware utility to merge several audio MP3 files into a single MP3 file. Visit projects page for more details. |
Usman MP3 Player is a versatile MP3 player for Windows, developed last version 15 years ago. Visit download page for more details. |